Clinic and In-Home Lice Treatment and Lice Removal Services in the Chicago, IL, and Suburban Area
Head Check
Head check is the only way to find out if lice or nit infestation are evident. The head check may take up to 30 minutes. After hours and weekends, minimum charges will apply, and the head check may reflect it. If more time is needed, charges will be prorated by time. We'll show you the results and discuss the treatment options and procedures.

Nit Removal Treatment/ Follow-Up Visits
We only use safe, non-toxic, and yet effective products. The average treatment time is about 1.5 to 2 hours for long hair, and within 60 minutes for short hair. However, each case is unique based on the type and length of hair, level of cooperation, and infestation severity.
We recommend one follow-up treatment or two checks after the initial treatment. The follow-up treatment/checks are scheduled 5-7 days from the previous visit. The timing is around 30 minutes.
99% Off All Our Clients Are Completely Lice And Nit FREE After The First Treatment.
Oil Treatment Service
Suggested use if live lice or nymphs are found. This is a safe method to suffocate live lice and nymphs by applying a mixture of dimethicone & olive oil and other natural lice fighting products.
We suggest to keep this treatment on the head and hair for a minimum of 60 minutes before washing.

We Guarantee the same-day appointment any day of the year.
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM - BEST VALUE OPTION
Treatments - $85/hour/person/minimum fee
Follow Up Treatments- 30min/ Minimum fee per person
Head Checks - $40 - per person
Follow up Head Check - $35 per person
Minimum Fee of One Hour ($85) for Family
Oil Treatment $ 30/person
Please Call 24/7 for details and booking
Our fees may be covered by FSA and HSA and your Health Insurance Carrier.
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Week Days 5:00pm to 9:00 pm
Treatments / Follow up Treatments $95.00 / Hour / Person/Minimum fee
Head Checks - $45 per person
Follow up head Checks - $40 per person
Minimum Fee of One Hour for family ($95)
Emergency Hours: Monday - Friday after 9:00 PM; Saturday & Sunday after 6:00 PM.
Treatments / Follow up Treatments $130.00 / Hour / person/Minimum fee
Head checks $65 / person
Minimum Fee of One Hour for Family ($130.00)
Treatments starts at $125/Hour / person
Head Checks starts at $65 / person
Delousing of the house $125/Hour
Travel Fees $35 and Up ( will differ with Distance from Salon)
Other Fees will Apply for Late Evening Appointments on the Week Days, and Saturdays, and Sundays.
Our team of trained technicians will travel to treat you and your family in the privacy of your house.
Please call 24/7 for details and to make and appointment.
Fees are due at the time of service. Hair Butterlies is a registered health clinic, our NPI #1386938504. Our service fees can applied on your HSA and FSA. Your medical insurance may reimburse Hair Butterflies Lice and Nit Removal fees. Please ask for details.
A Credit card is required to secure an appointment.
No-shows or appointments canceled in less than 4 hours will be charged one hour minimum fee.
We accept cash, debit cards, and credit cards. Services (in Clinic or House Call) are billed in 1/4 hour increments after the first hour minimum fee. Credit Card charge will inquire a 3% fee.
Hair Butterflies Lice and Nit Removal services are 100% guaranteed- considering all treatments and follow-ups are resolved for every family member. After that, we'll treat for free if any evidence has been found.
Please feel free to take a look at these helpful documents below or go here or here for more information.